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Introduction of ESG ratings in the cosmofunding ecosystem

A new dimension in sustainability assessment

Published on 27.11.2024 CET

Cosmofunding, the ecosystem for credit and capital market transactions, is pleased to announce the introduction of fedafin ESG ratings.

The ESG ratings provide investors with an additional dimension to assess the sustainability and social commitment of issuers. Each of the ESG areas relevant to the ESG rating is assessed individually, with an additional distinction being made between greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity in the environmental area, for example.

The ESG ratings reflect the counterparty's positioning for future ESG challenges from fedafin's perspective.

fedafin's ESG rating is based on verified, publicly available data and sets high standards for the quality and transparency of the information.

The ratings provide a clear distinction between credit ratings and ESG ratings and open up a new dimension in credit risk analysis. They are also available for the climate, biodiversity, social and governance subcategories and cover Swiss municipalities and cantons. Companies are to follow shortly.

ESG ratings are versatile and can be used for different investor needs. They can add significant value to investors by providing a more comprehensive assessment of issuers. We are pleased to offer our clients a new dimension of sustainability assessment with fedafin's ESG ratings.

Detailed explanations of the methodology and model can be found in the documentation on ESG ratings  

Published on 27.11.2024 CET

