cosmofinanziamento per le associazioni a scopo speciale. Due uomini si stringono la mano.
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cosmofunding for special-purpose associations

Pubblicato il 18.03.2021 TEC

Does your local special-purpose association know that the benefits of cosmofunding are also available for them?

Especially in ongoing challenging circumstances, it becomes clear whether a process has the capacity to continue to function. In this context, Vontobel’s cosmofunding is an established and recognized instrument for serving the financing needs of public sector entities. Bank Vontobel’s strong historical and economic roots in the Swiss financial center for almost 100 years now is just one of the fundamental factors that have confirmed and strengthened client confidence over the past year. As a result, a steadily growing number of Swiss financial managers at cantonal, municipal and communal level also use the platform on a regular basis.

Among others, public sector financial managers have secured themselves access to Switzerland’s professional capital market via cosmofunding. But does your local special-purpose association know that the advantages of cosmofunding are also available to it? The volume of over CHF 7 billion that has been successfully placed since its launch at the end of 2018 proves that cosmofunding picks up where established partners have to or want to give up when it comes to fulfilling needs.

"The platform is user-friendly and it only takes a few minutes to submit a financing request.
Throughout the process, we received friendly and active support from a relationship manager."

Oberes Murgtal waste water association office

Let your colleagues in the special-purpose associations know that we look forward to serving funding requests for them as well. Our extensive expertise and the steadily growing number of Swiss investors allows us to be better every day than the day before. This is your benefit and added value, which you can access at any time on cosmofunding.

Do not hesitate to rely on the expertise of Vontobel’s cosmofunding specialists for future refinancing, project financing or liquidity raising. We are here for you.

Pubblicato il 18.03.2021 TEC


  • Stefan Pomberger

    Stefan Pomberger

    Head cosmofunding, Bank Vontobel AG

    Oltre 12 anni di esperienza presso Vontobel, attuale co-fondatore e direttore di cosmofunding. Spinto dall'obiettivo di creare insieme a voi un ecosistema digitale win-win per i finanziamenti. Durante la mia carriera ho lavorato per due anni in qualità gestore di portafoglio e per quasi dieci anni come ingegnere finanziario nelle banche di investimento, sviluppando prodotti e programmando software per la definizione dei prezzi al front-office e di gestione del rischio in qualità di direttore del Quant Group Fixed Income. All'interno del gruppo di lavoro della Banca nazionale svizzera ho contribuito alla transizione da LIBOR a SARON e ai relativi prodotti.

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